Laserline HIS The application is designed for monitoring the reception of business in the hospitality complex systems. The application is supported by work on the reception of various types of buildings such as apartment complexes, bungalows and hotels.

This software package covers the entire follow-up of guests, from contracting capacity, receiving prednajava, announcement and booking, to receive advance payments, check, monitoring visits and reviews check out the cost accounting. In living journal, record any changes in different types of guests, and in particular shows the value added tax and consumption tax. It is possible to conduct more exchange places with a separate office. Special attention is devoted to reporting. The list of guvernatu printed papers required for each accommodation unit (towels, in general, etc.). Daily and multi-day boarding kitchen list meal planning easier. Different forms of booking provide quality marketing information on the availability and future financial income. A large number of parameters in the application, enabling adaptability to user needs and makes use only. Depending on the organization of marketing, booking (contracts and reservations) can be managed by central or individual objects.

There are modules for data exchange with other systems within the facility, such as switchboards, or television systems. Standardized data preparation on Applications and Check out the police and the tourist community. All data required in accounting (Laser Applications * Voice), take the automatics. Automatically downloaded invoices, credit notes, cash exchange offices, the data for the book and journal IRA journals.

The package is accompanied by the necessary documentation and meets all valid regulations in the Republic of Croatia.


  • monitoring and notification prednajave guests
  • receiving guests
  • monitoring of your stay
  • Check out and ticketing services
  • keeping a journal
  • monitoring the status of rooms
  • management and monitoring purposes
  • exchange of master data management
  • management information system

Announcement and prednajava guests

Signing contracts with agencies and receive prednajava and announcements for the same. Monitoring of deposit for individual reservations. View the hotel occupancy in a lump razdoblju.Praćenje contract with a periodic realization.

Laserline HIS Staying

Reporting group, individual and agency reviews. Information about accommodation units, hotel and vanpansionkim services of interest to potential guests. On the basis of registered guests are printed application form or stored on a magnetic medium of the daily board lists and lists guvernantnu.

Monitoring of your stay

The records of all changes and adjustments related to the guest room, such as changing rooms, hotel services and the like. Usage tracking vanpansionskih services which are paid into an account customer. It allows for the check-out and fault pansionskog meal, or a substitute for packed lunches.

Check out the accounting services

Based on the records of the room and used vanpansionskih services are available account for guest accommodation or a group. Account payable immediately or leave the queue. Checking out guests and groups. Keeping cash includes deposits and withdrawals at cash register, the current state treasury and treasury final report. Services can be calculated in different currencies. Charging into account different currencies and payment methods. Subsequent payment of bills.

Keeping a journal

Daily build journal with scrolling for the selected period. Control accounts and treasury reports. Conduct internal tariffs pension installments. Development of hotel accounting. Deposit by type of payment. External and internal invoicing. The calculation of foreign exchange.

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